The Best and Largest Multi-Cultural & Ethnic Beauty Supply Distributor in the World

Author: Jinny United


Ann Jhin Elected 32nd President of the Korean-American Association of Chicago

The Korean-American Association of Chicago Elects First Woman President in 50 Years

The Korean-American Association of Chicago Elects First Woman President in 50 Years On July 19 an election was held for the President of the Korean-American Association of Chicago. There were two nominees: Mr. Hak-Dong Kim and Ms. Ann Jhin. In total, 5,364 votes were cast, with Jhin gaining 3,109 and Kim receiving 2,349. 24 votes were invalid. Winning this election, Jhin became the 32nd President of the Korean-American Association of Chicago. In the 50 years of the Chicago Korean Community history, she is the first female President. (She is also the President of Jinny Beauty Supply.) Through her service to society and experience – her leadership roles with The Democratic Peace Reunification Committee in Chicago and the Korean American Friendship Network – she gained the support of many voters.

In the past year, Jhin was focused on the fundamental principles and staying honest in her work. After she became president she stated, “I will do my best for the Korean Community and not disappoint my supporters.” In addition, Jhin said, “thank you to my supporters, my election camp, and Mr. Hak-Dong Kim who offered his congratulation to me. Thank you all.”


시 카고 한인회 50년 역사상 첫 여성 한인회장 탄생 시카고 한인회는 지난 7월 19일, 기호 1번 김학동 후보와 기호 2번 진안순 후보가 출마한 가운데 총 5,364명이 투표에 참여하여 3,109명의 표를 얻은 진안순 후보가 2,349표를 얻은 김학동 후보를 제치고 (무효 24표) 제 32대 회장으로 당선 되었다. 이는 50년이 넘는 시카고 한인회 역사상 최초의 여성 회장을 선출한 기록이 되기도 하였다. Jinny Beauty Supply 의 회장인 진안순 당선자는 시카고 평통, 한미우호네트워크 등의 활동을 통해 지역봉사를 하며 쌓아온 리더십과 봉사정신이 인정되어 많은 유권자들의 지지를 얻은 것으로 평가되고 있다.

지난 1년간 한인회 회장 선거 출마를 준비해온 진안순 당선인은 그간의 많은 우여곡절 끝에 회장으로 선출된 후 “원칙에 충실했으며, 정확한 사실만을 유권자들에게 전달하려 노력하였습니다. 유권자들의 바람에 어긋나지 않게 최선을 다해 한인회를 이끌겠습니다” 라고 당선 소감을 밝혔다. 또한, “저를 지지해 주신 유권자들, 선거 캠프에서 저를 도와주신 분들, 그리고 먼저 당선 축하의 전화를 걸어준 김학동 후보 등 모든 분들에게 감사합니다” 라는 감사의 말을 전하였다.


Jinny Opens its 11th Distribution Center in St. Louis

Once again, the largest multicultural and ethnic distributor in the world, plans to expand their distribution network in St. Louis, Missouri. This makes it their 11th distribution center which will now make their total warehouse square footage a whopping 1.46 million square feet in America.

The biggest difference with this new location is that this distribution center will be called ‘Jinny Regional St. Louis’. What is Jinny Regional? Mr. Charles Seo, CFO of Jinny United says, “We have learned and been advised by our operation managers in our Memphis and Detroit branches that it is not always beneficial for our smaller market warehouses to have Jinny Corp. inventory at 94% like we are used to. It is not cost effective to maintain this standard and this was causing smaller branches to grow at a slower rate than what we expected.”

Jinny Regional St. Louis’ new mission statement will be designed to carry only the best of the A and B products from each brand. These items are defined by Jinny’s massive in-house data bank in combination with IRI report analyses.

Mr. Jack Park, Operations Director, adds, “With our current system, we can setup our new warehouse from start to finish within 25 business days with a variance of 3 days; but now, with the new format of Jinny Regional, we can maximize our efficiency which allows us to cut out almost 7 business days and is almost 28% faster than our current system. Over time, we will be much more efficient in opening our Jinny Regionals down the road.”

So when will Jinny Regional St. Louis be open to customers? Mr. Devin Ok, Co-Operations Director says, “We will receive our keys to the building on Monday, August 3rd and we will be open on August 24th.” The total size of this building is 48,000 square feet with a 24 foot clear ceiling.

OTC Beauty Magazine asks, “What is the purpose of opening more distribution centers for Jinny United? Do you plan to open more?” Mr. Andrew Yoo, Sales Director of Jinny Corp. states, “We feel that our company brings a series of value to our OTC stores when we are closer to them rather than further away. We believe our OTC stores can rely upon Jinny as their true distribution partner and we can learn more about the owners and their business in order to service them better. I don’t know if we will open more Jinny Regionals, but if this new concept works, we will open more as we have with our ‘JBS Cash & Carry’ concept which we introduced to the industry back in 2000.”

Leading the St. Louis Regional branch will be Mr. Ki Nam Kim. He will be moving his family from Los Angeles, and with 18 years with Jinny Corporation he has enough experience and knows the company’s core philosophy inside and out. Eddie Jhin stated, “Under Mr. Kim’s leadership and his role for the company, I am very confident that he will serve our customers in the market very well and he will make our first Regional branch a top notch distributor in the St. Louis market.”

Mr. Eddie Jhin, the top manager of Jinny United, says, “What pleases me the most is that the idea of Jinny Regional and opening in the St. Louis market came from my employees and this is exactly why I am so proud to lead this group of people.”

“OTC stores are an intricate part of our company. Our mission is to grow our OTC stores in every single city and region, and if this mission is accomplished, I think we have done our job. Jinny needs our OTC stores to believe that we want them to succeed and hopefully they will appreciate the fact that we are their biggest defender of this industry. We are here to serve and learn from you, but you must try and try again to be better in order for all of us to grow.”

“We hope that our OTC stores in St. Louis and Kansas will welcome our company and we will do our best to support your needs. Thank you all!”